Schulhaus Pfäffikon
Herzlich Willkommen in der Mensa der Kantonsschule Pfäffikon.
Wähle jeden Mittag aus drei verschiedenen Menus. Mit dem Karma-Menu zeigen wir, dass vegetarisch essen unglaublich lecker sein kann. Auf der Menulinie Wältreis machen wir jeden Mittag eine kulinarische Reise zu einem anderen Ort auf der Welt. Manchmal sehnt man sich nach etwas schnellem in der Hand, das einem so richtig glücklich macht. Dann wirst du an der Street Food Station (wöchentlicher Wechsel) so richtig glücklich.
Bei uns gilt das Free-Choice-System:
Du möchtest das Fleisch vom Wältreis-Menu mit der Beilage vom Karma-Menu? Kein Problem. Bei uns kann man die Proteinkomponente, Gemüse und Beilagen kombinieren, wie man möchte.
Monthly Special in September
Spice it up! The aromatic blend of chai spices and milk of your choice is particularly delicious when served ice cold. Our favourite in September - Namaste!
Schulen Pfäffikon Mensen
Wish a dish
Have you been wishing for your favourite dish for a long time? Then request it here with us. Send us your menu request (perhaps directly with a recipe). Click on the plus sign for your favourite dish.
Wish a dish
Send us your favourite recipe or desired dish here. We will check the recipe request and if everything fits, we will cook it for you in the next few weeks. Keep an eye out on the menu plan.
Mensa Schulhaus Nuolen
Wish a dish
Have you been wishing for your favourite dish for a long time? Then request it here with us. Send us your menu request (perhaps directly with a recipe). Click on the plus sign for your favourite dish.
Wish a dish
Send us your favourite recipe or desired dish here. We will check the recipe request and if everything fits, we will cook it for you in the next few weeks. Keep an eye out on the menu plan.
Eldora on Instagram
You can also find delicious recipes and more about our promotions on our Instagram page. Take a look and follow us to stay up to date.
Was gits hüt z'ässe
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- lactose free
- Click & Collect
Tortellini carne with beef filling
Tomato and mascarpone sauce
Grated cheeseBeef: Switzerland
- Lernende CHF 10.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 15.00
- ca. 866.5 kcal/ACG
Menu information
Tortellini carne with beef filling
Tomato and mascarpone sauce
Grated cheese
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Tomato sauce
- Lernende CHF 10.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 15.00
- ca. 476.9 kcal/ACO
Menu information
Tomato sauce
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Fried chicken steak sandwich
Breaded chicken schnitzel with cocktail sauce, iceberg lettuce and tomatoes
French friesChicken: Switzerland
- Lernende CHF 8.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 13.00
- ca. 1039.3 kcal/ACMO
Menu information
Fried chicken steak sandwich
Breaded chicken schnitzel with cocktail sauce, iceberg lettuce and tomatoes
French fries
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Veal chipolata
Fried potatoes
BroccoliChipolata (veal, pork): Switzerland
- Lernende CHF 10.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 15.00
- ca. 638.4 kcal/GO
Menu information
Veal chipolata
Fried potatoes
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Fried chicken steak sandwich
Breaded chicken schnitzel with cocktail sauce, iceberg lettuce and tomatoes
French friesChicken: Switzerland
- Lernende CHF 8.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 13.00
- ca. 1039.3 kcal/ACMO
Menu information
Fried chicken steak sandwich
Breaded chicken schnitzel with cocktail sauce, iceberg lettuce and tomatoes
French fries
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Loco Moco
Fried minced beef steaks
Fried egg
RiceBurger (beef): Switzerland
- Lernende CHF 10.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 15.00
- ca. 859.9 kcal/ACO
Menu information
Loco Moco
Fried minced beef steaks
Fried egg
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Fried chicken steak sandwich
Breaded chicken schnitzel with cocktail sauce, iceberg lettuce and tomatoes
French friesChicken: Switzerland
- Lernende CHF 8.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 13.00
- ca. 1039.3 kcal/ACMO
Menu information
Fried chicken steak sandwich
Breaded chicken schnitzel with cocktail sauce, iceberg lettuce and tomatoes
French fries
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Breaded pork schnitzel
Glazed peas and carrotsPork: Switzerland
- Lernende CHF 10.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 15.00
- ca. 779.7 kcal/AC
Menu information
Breaded pork schnitzel
Glazed peas and carrots
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Fried chicken steak sandwich
Breaded chicken schnitzel with cocktail sauce, iceberg lettuce and tomatoes
French friesChicken: Switzerland
- Lernende CHF 8.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 13.00
- ca. 1039.3 kcal/ACMO
Menu information
Fried chicken steak sandwich
Breaded chicken schnitzel with cocktail sauce, iceberg lettuce and tomatoes
French fries
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Dessert of the day
- CHF 3.50
- /AG
Menu information
Dessert of the day
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Changing buffet offer with various vegetables, starch side dishes, meat or fish "For as long as the food lasts"
- Lernende CHF 10.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 15.00
- /AG
Menu information
Changing buffet offer with various vegetables, starch side dishes, meat or fish "For as long as the food lasts"
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Changing buffet offer with various vegetarian main components, vegetables and starch side dishes "For as long as the food lasts"
- Lernende CHF 10.00 / Lehrpers. CHF 15.00
- /AG
Menu information
Changing buffet offer with various vegetarian main components, vegetables and starch side dishes "For as long as the food lasts"
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Wir kochen jeden Tag mit frischen, saisonalen Produkten. Denn eine Küche ist nur so gut, wie die Produkte, die sie verwendet. Wir beziehen alle unsere Nahrungsmittel von ausgesuchten Produzenten, mit denen wir seit vielen Jahren zusammenarbeiten. Wir achten bei der Produkteauswahl auf Zertifizierungen und arbeiten mit bekannten Organisationen zusammen.
Nachhaltigkeit startet schon beim Einkauf: Wir achten auf die Saison und vermeiden damit weite, oft sinnlose Transporte aus fernen Ländern, sparen Energie und schonen die Umwelt. Nachhaltigkeit heisst auch echte Schweizer Lebensmittel mit Qualitätsgarantie konsumieren. Wir betreiben fairen Handel und nennen die Produkte und Lieferanten beim Namen.
Opening hours
Montag - Freitag 7.30 bis 16.00 Uhr
Mittagsservice 11.30 bis 13.00 Uhr
Open to public
Frisch, überraschend und liebevoll zubereitet - Ob Lehrerzimmer-Pausen-Verpflegung, Apéro oder Geburtstagsfest, wir stehen Ihnen als starker Catering-Partner zur Seite. Vom kleinen Häppchen bis zum süssen Finale verwöhnen wir Sie und Ihre Gäste mit kreativen und leckeren Köstlichkeiten.
Andrea Wanger
9664-grt (at)
Kantonsschule Ausserschwyz
Eichenstrasse 13
8808 Pfäffikon